Author name: Aaron Demski

Navigating the Complexities of Application Lifecycle Management

With software becoming more and more complex, managing the entire lifecycle of an application can be a daunting task. With hundreds of projects under our belt since our founding almost ten years ago, the Demski Group has honed its expertise in application lifecycle management. This comprehensive approach ensures that applications not only meet initial specifications …

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Agile Software Development Methodology: Our Approach

Here at the Demski Group, we understand the importance of customer-centered development, and no design methodology better captures that focus than Agile design. At its core, Agile emphasizes iterative progress, customer collaboration, and the ability to adapt to changing requirements. We chose to implement Agile with our own twist, and we think it’s been nothing …

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Native app programming on computer

Native App Development for Your Business in 2023

In the modern business landscape, the mobile app market has become an essential component of the digital economy. With billions of smartphone users worldwide, mobile applications have become a crucial means of connecting businesses with their customers. Native app development is one of the most popular and effective ways to create high-quality mobile applications that …

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How To Create An Ecommerce Website

In recent years, ecommerce has become an increasingly popular way for businesses to sell their products online. One of the key components of a successful ecommerce strategy is having a well-designed and functional ecommerce website. In this article, we will outline the steps required to create an ecommerce website and discuss a few popular frameworks that can be used to achieve this.