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Mobile Gaming, Sports

Tech Stack

The Project

Developing the First Free-to-Play Golf Game with PGA Tour Data for Interactive Contests

RabbitCards aimed to create the first free-to-play golf game leveraging PGA Tour Shotlink data, allowing users to compete for prizes in closest-to-the-pin contests. The goal was to develop an engaging and interactive mobile application that users could play at PGA Tour events or from the comfort of their homes.

Our Solution

Building the RabbitCards Mobile App with React Native, Node.js, and TypeScript

The Demski Group developed the RabbitCards mobile application using React Native for cross-platform compatibility, Node.js for the backend, and TypeScript for type safety and scalability. The solution provided a real-time gaming experience based on PGA Tour data, ensuring a seamless and engaging user experience.

Key Features

Real-Time Shotlink Data Integration

• Integrated PGA Tour Shotlink data to provide real-time information on golfer performances. • Ensured accurate and up-to-date data to enhance the gaming experience.

Closest-to-the-Pin Contests

• Developed gameplay features that allowed users to predict the accuracy of professional golfers in closest-to-the-pin contests. • Provided real-time updates and feedback on user predictions and contest results.

Prize Competitions

• Implemented a system for users to compete for prizes based on their performance in the contests. • Ensured fair play and transparency in prize distribution.

User Interface and Experience

• Designed an intuitive and visually appealing interface using React Native, ensuring a smooth user experience on both iOS and Android devices. • Focused on ease of navigation and engaging graphics to enhance user enjoyment.

Backend Management

• Utilized Node.js for robust backend management, handling real-time data processing and user interactions. • Ensured secure data storage and efficient processing to support a growing user base.
golf course

The Results

Enhanced User Engagement: The real-time integration of Shotlink data and interactive gameplay led to high user engagement and satisfaction.

Accurate Real-Time Data: The use of PGA Tour Shotlink data provided users with an authentic and exciting gaming experience.

Scalable Solution: The application was designed to handle increasing user traffic and data loads, ensuring reliable performance during peak times.


The Demski Group successfully delivered the RabbitCards mobile application, creating an innovative and engaging golf game that leverages real-time PGA Tour data. This project highlights our ability to develop interactive and data-driven mobile gaming applications.

This case study demonstrates The Demski Group’s capability to create advanced mobile gaming applications, leveraging real-time data and modern technologies to deliver impactful and engaging user experiences.

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