Precision in Real Estate.

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Real Estate

Tech Stack

The Project

Streamlining Property Management with Real-Time Data Insights

Property Gauge faced challenges in efficiently tracking and managing various metrics critical to property management. Real estate managers needed a unified platform to monitor occupancy rates, delinquency rates, and other essential data points accurately. The lack of integration with multiple APIs, such as Entrata, hindered the ability to obtain a comprehensive view of property performance. Additionally, managing user accounts and permissions within the platform required a robust admin panel. Property Gauge sought a solution that could integrate data sources seamlessly and provide an intuitive interface for real-time data tracking and user management.

Our Solution

High-Quality, Custom Applications

The Demski Group developed the Property Gauge platform using a tech stack of React.js, Node.js, and TypeScript. This comprehensive solution provided real-time tracking and visualization of key metrics, integrating data from various sources to offer a holistic view of property performance. We implemented a responsive and intuitive front-end with React.js, enhancing user experience and accessibility. Additionally, we built a robust admin panel using Node.js and TypeScript to manage user accounts and permissions effectively. Our expertise in real estate technology solutions ensured that the platform met Property Gauge’s requirements for data integration, user management, and real-time insights.

The solution featured real-time tracking of metrics such as occupancy rates, delinquency rates, and other essential data points, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information for property managers. We integrated data from multiple APIs, including Entrata, to provide a comprehensive view of property metrics with seamless data synchronization and processing. The user-friendly interface, developed using React.js, offered clear visualizations and dashboards, enabling users to easily understand and analyze data. The admin panel, built with Node.js and TypeScript, facilitated effective user management by allowing administrators to create new users, manage existing ones, and control access to different parts of the platform.

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The Results

Our Clients are our Priority

Improved Data Management: The platform enabled real estate managers to efficiently track and analyze key metrics, improving decision-making and operational efficiency.

Seamless Integration: The integration of multiple APIs provided a holistic view of property data, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of information.

Enhanced User Management: The admin panel facilitated effective user management, ensuring secure and controlled access to the platform.


The Demski Group successfully delivered a powerful real estate platform for Property Gauge, providing real-time tracking, seamless data integration, and robust user management capabilities. This project underscores our expertise in developing comprehensive solutions for the real estate industry.

This case study showcases The Demski Group’s ability to create advanced real estate platforms, integrating multiple data sources and providing comprehensive tools for efficient property management and analysis.

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